The XUV700 costs Rs 14.1 lakh ex-showroom, making it one of the costliest cars in its segment. There are only two variants available for now – an entry-level Vism variant that’s priced at Rs 12.6 lakh and a top-spec Luxury model that costs Rs 18 lakh+. A third variant called the Diesel MHA Edition is coming soon and will be priced somewhere between these two variants, so stay tuned for updates on that.
The Tata Motors XUV700 is available in various variants, and it is priced accordingly. The base model costs Rs 12 to 13 lakh, while the top-spec variant costs Rs 27 lakh (ex-showroom). We will be focusing on the top-spec variant in this article.
The XUV500 did an impressive job of being a refined B2O product, and the updated XUV700 continues where it left off. It still features the same 2-litre diesel engine, which has been shown to be efficient and powerful. But, there are updates and additions to spice things up a bit.
It’s time for the XUV700 to debut in India, and this is a hugely important vehicle for Mahindra. The automaker hopes it will be a game-changer in its segment, and take on the likes of the Renault Duster, Skoda Yeti, and the Ford Ecosport. The XUV700 adds a lot of exciting features to the segment, and most of them are only offered in the top-spec AX7 variant. Even then, there is a catch if you want the most feature-rich XUV700 possible, which we’ll explain as well.
The XUV700 can be had in two variants: the top-spec AX7, and the lesser-specced LX7. Both come with a rear-mounted 2179cc VTVT diesel engine that delivers 190PS and 620Nm of torque. The Axon variant adds new features like a tire pressure monitoring system, electronic stability control with hill hold assist, keyless entry and start, auto climate control along with new LED lights (including daytime running LEDs), and exterior cosmetic updates like faux leather inserts on the door panels.
The XUV700 is priced at around Rs. 20 lakh and the top-spec variant costs Rs. 25 lakh. There are about a dozen variants to choose from in between these two, but we’d suggest going for the AX7 variant if you can stretch your budget.